I think we’d all agree that the name Joe is fairly common. Sometimes when something is common, it may not seem special, but there’s all kinds of special Joes in the world. Think about all the people in your life – there must be someone you know that’s named Joe, Joseph, Josephine, Joann, Jolene, or some other version of Joe (or Jo).
The Bible even mentions a particular Joe . . . or Joseph in this case. Joseph was an incredible young man with an equally incredible story. He was mistreated by his brothers, sold as slave, and spent the rest of his life in Egypt, but no matter what happened to him, Joseph never blamed God and he never lost his faith.
You can read Joseph’s story in the book of Genesis, chapters 37-50. Here’s a fun Mystery Phrase activity sheet that will help you learn more about him.
Fun fact: Did you know the name Joe comes from the Scottish word meaning “sweetheart.”