Nature Activity

Who doesn’t love a juicy slice of refreshing watermelon on a hot day?
Can you guess why a watermelon is called a watermelon? Well, it’s because they are mostly water! In fact, they are 92% water and only 6% sugar, so they are great way to stay hydrated during the summer, and not only are they tasty and fun to eat–they are good for you too! They contain vitamins and antioxidants like vitamin C, beta carotene, and lycopene. Lycopene is good for your heart health.
Don’t call it a fruit! The watermelon is a vegetable that is related to cucumbers, pumpkins, and squash. The next time your mom asks which vegetable you want for dinner, ask for a watermelon! You’ll love the surprised look on her face!
Did you know the whole watermelon is edible? Yep, even the seeds and rind! Most people don’t like the taste of the bitter rind, but people in China cook it like a vegetable.
Get ready to celebrate! August 3rd is National Watermelon Day in the United States. Most watermelon festivals are held in August and are fun for the whole family! You can enjoy activities like seed spitting contests, watermelon races, carving contests, and, don’t forget . . . eating a whole lot of watermelon!

How to pick out a watermelon:
- Look for a firm, evenly shaped water-melon that doesn’t have any cuts or bruises.
- Turn it over and look for the creamy yellow spot where the watermelon sat on the ground, ripening in the sun.

SEED MAZE: The Johnsons want to plant some watermelons. They have all the tools they need, but no seeds. Can you help them locate the seeds?
- 2 1/2 cups ripe watermelon, de-seeded and cut into chunks*
- 1/2 cup fresh raspberries
- 3 tablespoons sugar, or to taste
- 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
- popsicle mold, ice cube trays, or small cups
- popsicle sticks
Cut the rind from the watermelon and discard. Place the watermelon in a blender. Add the raspberries, sugar, and lemon juice. Blend well. Pour into popsicle mold, ice cube trays, or cups. Insert sticks and freeze until solid. Enjoy a cool treat! Makes 4-5 popsicles