Nature Activity

All About Groups

Many times when animals, birds, reptiles come together in groups--the groups are given a unique, often times funny or descriptive name. Review the group names below and then do the activity sheet.


Our name here on earth is a part of who we are, part of our identity. And just like we didn’t choose our mames at birth when we get to heaven Jesus will give us all a new name! Won’t it be great to be a part of that large group of people? In the ‘family’ of God we are all brothers and sisters.

“Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.” –

Also, as followers of Christ are called Christians. We should always do our best to represent Jesus in everything we do, in every aspect of our lives. What does the Bible say about when praying christians gather together in a group?
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” –

Group Names

  • A group of twelve or more cows is called a flink
  • A group of goats is called a trip
  • A group of hares is called a husk
  • group of finches is called a charm
  • A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle
  • A group of geese in the air is a skein
  • A group of kangaroos is called a mob
  • A group of whales is called a pod
  • A group of ravens is called a murder
  • A group of larks is called an exaltation
  • A group of owls is called a parliament
  • A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance
  • A group of parrots is called a pandemonium
  • A group of wombats is called a wisdom
  • A group of finches is called a charm
  • A group of penguins is called a rookery
  • A group of rattlesnakes is called a rumba
  • A group of raccoons is called a gaze
  • A group of elephants is called a memory
  • A group of otters is called a romp
  • A group of ducks is called a paddling
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