Nature Facts
Great Horned Owl
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“My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.”
If you need wisdom on what choices to make-LOOK TO GOD! He will give you answers on the path to take.
- A Great Horned Owl’s strong talons require a force of 28 pounds to open.
- The eyes of a great horned owl do not move. Instead, the owl is able to turn its head 270 degrees to look in any direction.
- The “horns” on their head are not ears. They are tufts of feathers, called plumicorns.
- Their hearing is 10x times better than that of a human. And their ears are located on the sides of their heads under some feathers.
- The great horned owl has cylindrical eyes–which acts sorta like binoculars.
- The great horned owl’s call is low pitch but loud – who-hoo-ho-oo
Listen to the owl's call
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The eyes of Great Horned Owl are almost as big as a humans but they are also cyclindrical–which helps give them ability to see in telephoto style.