Nature Activity
And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me; Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the LORD.
Psalm 27:6
Giraffe Facts:
- Every time a giraffe lifts up its neck it picks up 550 pounds.
- A newborn giraffe measures about 6 feet, and is born with horns.
- Each giraffe has a unique coat pattern.
- A giraffe’s heart is 24lbs. (10kg) in weight and 2ft. (.6m) in length.
- A giraffe seldom lies down, it can sleep as well as give birth standing up!
- Despite being super tall the giraffe has the same number of vertebra in their necks as humans!
- They don’t have to drink very often. They get most of their water from the leaves they eat.
- The giraffe’s hooves are the size of a dinner plate! (30cm). Hmmm this reminds me of another creature who’s eyes are the size of dinner paltes! The giant squid!
Fun Facts Video
How Old Are You?
A giraffe’s age can be calculated from its spots–the darker the spots, the older the giraffe.