Green Apple Gum
After making a selfish decision, Marcus learns that it truly is more blessed to give than to receive.
Ice Queen
Chrissy learns a hard lesson about the dangers of letting pride grow in her heart.
Eddy’s Dream Bike
Eddy learns the value of both prayer and persistence while raising chickens to earn money to buy a new bike.
Help! Save Me
After experiencing one death and then surviving another, Craig comes to understand God’s saving power.
Guilty by Association
Cameron discovers how easily his reputation can be affected by the people he chooses to be friends with.
Living Like Tahili
Nathan makes a difficult commitment to help out a needy child in Africa, but gains a greater blessing through his unselfish act.
Fat Cat Freddie
When a curious cat escapes from the safety of his warm house, his family leans on the power of prayer and is reminded of just how much Jesus loves them.
Mean Old Rooster
A rooster with a bad attitude teaches a lesson about the importance of becoming a peace-maker.
Zack’s Secret
Zack is tempted to cover up a terrible mistake, but learns that honesty is the best policy and asks for forgiveness.
Tracy’s Terrifying Jump
Tracy learns about God’s protection after jumping into a lake without knowing how to swim.
A Squirrel’s Tale
A frightened little squirrel teaches Rusty a very important lesson about being obedient.