Stand-up Flowers


Create these fun paper flowers that stand-up when assembeled. A unique way to share Jesus with someone through the mail–create one of these and then place it in an envelope with a note. It’s guarenteed to brighten someone’s day.

Supplies Needed:

  • Stand-up Flower print out (download)
  • Cardstock paper
  • scissors
  • colored pencils, crayons, markers, etc.
  • glue


  1. Color the flowers/stems. Add a verse (use any verse you like) to the STEM BASE. (ex: Ephesians 2:10)
  2. Glue the page to a piece of cardstock paper.
  3. Cut out the pieces on the dotted line.
  4. Glue the two large flowers together.
  5. Cut the dotted line on the base and top of the large glued flowers.
  6. Cut out the STEM BASE and FLOWER HEAD. Fold them at the middle and glue the halves together. After the glue dries cut the dotted in the middle on each part.
  7. Assemble the parts (see main image) and share it with someone. 🙂

See final assembled piece in the main photo.

It’s human nature to want to feel loved. That’s just how God created us. When people feel loved, they are happier, healthier, more successful, more determined, and the list goes on and on. Do you realize that God loves us with a love that we just don’t understand and even though sometimes we don’t recognize it, He’s constantly doing things for us to make us feel loved?

God could have given His work to the angels to do, but He allows us the privilege of helping others feel loved. There’s truly no greater feeling than bringing joy to someone else. When you take the time to brighten someone’s day, you’ll be putting a smile on their face and a song in their heart. And just like that, you’ll reap what you sow. When you take the time to share some love, that smile and that song will also become yours to enjoy!

“Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.”
– Philippians 2:3-4