Coloring Sheets
Break out the crayons, markers or anything you want to color these activity sheets.
For parents, teachers or youth leaders this is a great way to teach kids the Bible stories and help them memorize scripture.
Go Into All the World
Read the story found in Matthew 28 16-20
Jesus died for everyone on the earth. And Jesus spent His whole live teaching others by His words, and actions. He asks us to go into the whole world and tell everyone about Him. This is called “the Great Commission.”
Also check out our contest activity sheet on the 12 Disciples.
Jesus Tempted in the Desert
Read the story found in Matthew 3 and 4.
It’s not a sin to be tempted. But we can have strength to resist temptation as Jesus did. Stay close to Jesus every day by spending time in His word!
Also check out our contest activity sheet to learn more about Jesus being tempted in the desert.
Also check out our contest activity sheet on the 12 Disciples.