Nature Facts

“The sea is His, for it was He who made it, and His hands formed the dry land.”
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Jellyfish Facts:
- There are as many as 2000 different species of Jellyfish and possibly many more! Scientists are discovering more all the time.
It’s amazing to think that God has that many different types of just jellyfish!
- The smallest is the Irukandji box. It can be lethal. It’s about 1cm in size!
- While some jellyfish are clear, others are very colorful–such as orange, yellow, blue, and purple, and often are luminescent.
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The cauliflower jellyfish is sometimes called the crowend jellyfish.

The box Jellyfish is one of the most venomous, dangerous jellies.

The moon jellies generally swim on the surface but whey need to they can dive up to 90 ft (27.4 m) deep or more.

The sea nettle is actually a category, of jellyfish. The tenticles on this nettle can grow 20ft (6m) long!

The largest jellyfish is the Lion’s Mane Jellyfish. From top to bottom it can be 120ft long! While the sting is not deadly it can cause an allergic reaction in some.

The white-spotted jellyfish is among the Cauliflower Jellyfish. It looks like it has cauliflower at it’s base.
By NOAA Ocean Explorer from USA – Operation Deep Scope 2004: Eye-in-the-Sea BioluminescenceUploaded by Magnus Manske, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10860272
The newest jellyfish (A type of crowned jelly) discovered in the deep seas is called the atolla wyvillei.