Who are God’s parents?
A: Dear Jaden, Who are God’s parents, is easy for us to answer but hard to understand. God didn’t have parents, nor was He created. Everything that exists came from
A: Dear Jaden, Who are God’s parents, is easy for us to answer but hard to understand. God didn’t have parents, nor was He created. Everything that exists came from
A: Dear Jezziele, Jesus told His disciples “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it
A: Dear Ishani, Thanks for your question. The answer is that God was not created. The Bible tells us that He created everything else. “Have you not known? Have you
A: Dear Diane, The Bible tells us in Psalm 90:2 that God is from everlasting to everlasting. That means that He always existed in the past and will always exist forever. This
A: Dear Avail, Thanks so much for writing! The answer is that nobody made God. God made everything. That’s what makes Him God. The Bible says “In the beginning God created