

In bible times were people gaints?

A: Dear Adrian, Thanks for visiting our website! The Bible tells us that there were giants, but not that everyone was a giant. For example, we know Goliath was a

Why cant we remember our past?

Q: Why cant we remember our past like when we were babies and smaller kids? A: Dear Dominique The truth is that some people remember their childhoods fairly well, while

Is the Golden Rule a verse from the Bible?

A: Dear Brad, The “Golden Rule” has a history in many different cultures. In the Bible Matthew 7:12 states “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to

Who are the 24 elders?

A. Who are the 24 elders? We believe that the 24 elders human beings who once lived on the earth, but were resurrected with Jesus (Matthew 27:52-3), and taken to heaven
