

What color is Jesus?

A: Dear Mariah, The Bible tells us that Jesus was a Hebrew, born to a Hebrew mother from the tribe of Judah. That means that when He walked this earth,

What does Jesus look like?

A: Dear Jaden, Thanks a great question. What does Jesus look like? When Jesus was on earth, he looked like any human being. He was of Hebrew, or Jewish, descent,

Why did Jesus eat fish?

Dear Anneliese, Answer: Sometimes it is hard for those of us living today when we learn about God’s health principles in the Bible, and how mankind didn’t eat meat in the

Why did Jesus die?

A: Dear Rianna, The reason Jesus died is very simple. When God created us (He actually started with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden), He intended for us

How does Jesus know our thoughts?

A: Dear Mckayla, The Bible says in Psalm 139:2 (NIV) that “You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.” And 1 John 3:20 tells us that God
