
Q: I want to invite my friend to church, but I’m scared. What should I do?

Dear Rachel,

Answer: It sounds like you’re on the right track! I would begin by praying for my friend every day! Pray especially that God prepares your friend’s heart to be receptive to being invited to church. Then make sure you ask your mom and dad, and if they say it’s okay, then ask your friend if she would like to come to church with you sometime. You don’t need to be scared. People like to be invited to places. It shows that someone cares about them. Of course, she may say No, or she may say Yes and her mom and dad say No. That’s okay, just keep praying. Maybe a special event will come up at your church like a concert or a church social, and you can invite her to that. One day she will say Yes!

Thanks for writing, and remember, there’s never been a better time to share Jesus!

Your friend, Pastor Howard

Note: All Scripture references are from the English Standard Version unless otherwise indicated.


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