

Why did God make the earth?

A: Dear Yemisi, I can think of two main reasons that God made the earth. First, God is a Creator. A creator is someone who makes things. Creators like to

When is God coming back?

A: Dear Calab, Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:36 tells us that “Concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father

Is GOD and JESUS the same person?

A: Dear Virginia, Thanks so much for watching the show, and thanks for your question. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the “Son of God”, and that He is

Who are God’s parents?

A: Dear Jaden, Who are God’s parents, is easy for us to answer but hard to understand. God didn’t have parents, nor was He created. Everything that exists came from

What is God doing there in heaven?

A: Dear Jezziele, Jesus told His disciples “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it

How was God created?

A: Dear Ishani, Thanks for your question. The answer is that God was not created. The Bible tells us that He created everything else. “Have you not known? Have you

How was God made did he just show up one day?

A: Dear Diane, The Bible tells us in Psalm 90:2 that God is from everlasting to everlasting. That means that He always existed in the past and will always exist forever. This

Does God really love us?

A: Dear Kamden, Yes, He really does! The Bible is full of places where God tells us and shows us He loves us. In Jeremiah, He says “I have loved

Who made God?

A: Dear Avail, Thanks so much for writing! The answer is that nobody made God. God made everything. That’s what makes Him God. The Bible says “In the beginning God created
